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Section 4

Secure a sustainable income

Finance more life for your years

There is more than one type of life annuity…

But in all instances income is certain, secure and will be paid for the rest of your life

Overcome conflicting features and combine it

Benefits of including a life annuity as a portfolio inside a blended living annuity

DO you need advice ?

About Just SA

Just SA is a retirement income and life annuity specialist. We partner with best-of-breed independent asset managers and administrators to provide an enhanced value proposition to meet the different needs of South African retirees.

Just entered South Africa in 2015 to address the shortcomings in the annuity market highlighted by National Treasury’s retirement reform papers, the precursor to the Default Annuity Regulations. We designed features that are unique to Just’s proposition. We believe our life annuities address important gaps left by traditional providers of life and living annuities in South Africa.

© 2024 Just Retirement Life (South Africa) Limited. We are a registered life insurance company, regulated by the Prudential Authority of the South African Reserve Bank and the Financial Sector Conduct Authority as an authorised financial services provider (FSP number 46423).
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